Global Aspects of Japan's Forests and
Views from Japan on Global Forests

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Last updated :
Aug. 142, 2023


Welcome to "Japan Forest Information Review".presented by the Japan Sustainable Forest Management Forum

This site provides information about Japan's forests, forestry, and policies concerning them, and will cover topics including, forest certification, trade, green purchasing, forest monitoring, legislation, criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management, and so on.

The site will also provide various views from Japan on aspects affecting international forest policy issues, including the World Trade Organization, illegal logging, a forestry convention, the International Tropical Timber Organization, and the Kyoto Protocol, etc.

Humanity must address many issues during the 21st century, and among these, cooperation to achieve sustainable forest management is one of the key topics on the global political agenda.

We would be very happy if this site can make a contribution to that end.


What's New
 Information relating to Sustainable Forest Management from Japan Pavilion COP28 in Dubai(Feb 15, 2024) new
 Promoting sustainable wood use for carbon neutrality - Presentation from Japan in COP28 at Japan Pavilion (Feb 15, 2024) new
 Revision of the Clean Wood Act - Contribution of Japanese Consumers and Wood Businesses to the Governance of Forests in Japan and the World(Aug.14,2023)new
   Forest-relatede issues in the G7 Hirosima Summit 2023(Junl.10, 2023)new
Possibility of local wood from a global perspective-The Environmental Performance on Wooden Main Stadium of Tokyo 2020- 15thWFC presented paper
The Woodmiles Forum's English-language brochure created(Apr.20, 2022)
 Amendment of the Act for Promotion of Use of Wood in Public Buildings etc (Apr. 15, 2022)
 Governance Measures for Japan's Forests (2) - Forest Environment Tax(Apr. 15, 2022)
 Governance Measures for Japan's Forests (1) - Forest Manegement Act(Apr. 15, 2022)
 Reporting on progress towards the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030 – Analysing Voluntary National Report from Japan(May 15, 2020)
 The Result of the Japan Wood Design Award 2019 (April 22, 2020)
 PM Abe promotes Green Fundraising Campaign at G7 summit(April 20, 2020)
 Forest Agenda in the World Economic Forum (Davos Conference) (Feb. 20,2020)
 The Cleen Wood Act starated in Japan and The Cleen Wood Navi Opened in English(July 10, 2018)
 The Forest Environmental Tax in Japan will start in FY 2019(Jan 1, 2018)
Timber Use for New National Stadium Japan. What We Learn from London, then What We Tell to the World Beyond It?(Jan. 17, 2016)
Relevance of forests in UN Summit’s “the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”(Jan. 17, 2016)
《International Seminar》Illegal Logging and Promotion of Legal Timber Trade(Jan. 17, 2016)
“Urban Wood Use in Business” and Wood Mileages(Jan. 17, 2016)
Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and international framework of forest(Jan. 17, 2016)
 WFC2015 in Japan Forest Information Review(Oct.16,2015)
 Forests and Wood Utilization in Japan -Presentation in WFC 2015 by Forestry Agency Japan (Oct.16,2015)
 Regeneration of coastal forests affected by tsunami (Oct.16,2015)
Cooperation with green consumers toward demand expansion of sustainable timber products - WFC2015 Side Event  (Oct.16,2015)
 Japan’s Significance and Challenges of addressing illegal logging issue(Sep. 1,2015)
 The Basic Plan for Forest and Forestry and Sustainable Forest Management (2) Biodiversity conservation in Basic Plan(Sep. 1,2015)
 Minato Model Carbon Dioxide Fixation Certification System(Jan. 25,2015)
A study of the new synthetic index to reveal the forest value (July 22, 2012)
Annual Report on Forest and Forestry in Japan Ficsal Year 2011(Summary)(July 22, 2012)
Rio+20 Future Forest we Want(July 5, 2012)
Rio+20 Presentation from Japan Forest Information Review (July 5, 2012)
"Forestry Japan" introduction of Japanese forest and forestry in English updated, by Japan Forestry Consultants Associations.(JOFCA)(June 12, 2012)
The Act for Promotion of Use of Wood in Public Buildings etcfull text is transltated by JFIR (May27, 2012)
Webmaster: FUJIWARA, Takashi
the Japan Sustainable Forest Manegement Forum

This site was created by the financial assistance
from the The National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization