The Basic Plan for Forest and Forestry and Sustainable Forest Management (2) Biodiversity conservation in Basic Plan (September 1, 2015)

An essay titled “Administrative Measure on Forest and Forestry Areas and Biodiversity Conservation-Consolidation of subsidies encouragement measures on Aichi Targets 3” appeared on the FY 2015 report “Can We Protect Biodiversity? - for improvement of subsidy, audit and governance*” published under the project named “Consolidation of subsidies encouragement measures on Aichi Targets 3*” funded by Global Environment Facility, (Represented by Prof. Furusawa KouYuu, Kokugakuin University, implemented by NPO Japan Wildlife Conservation Society).

In the essay, organized the changes of description of biodiversity in the last 3 Japan’s Basic Plan for Forest and Forestry as shown in the table on the left.

Regarding to Basic Policy, previous 2 Basic Plans had a view of “diversification of the needs of the people”. In contrast, the current Plan described as “concerns on decrease of biodiversity in forests” which has taken one step further than previous commitment and also restructured the Plan based on the global trend such as CBD.

Moreover, regarding to the goal, it has changed a lot. The 2006 Plan positioned the biodiversity as “function other than important policy” should sufficiently consider, and the present Plan mentioned especially the high value forests for biodiversity and necessary of treatment based on adoptive management. And as the measures, description broadened such as the biodiversity conservation becomes the main objective of afforestation as well as securing the good quality seedlings and planting native species.

In this manner, the result of discussion “Advisory Committee on promotion measures of biodiversity conservation in forests*” organized by Japan Forestry Agency (2009) just before the CBD COP 10, played a significant role to make the 2013 Plan to elaborate the description related to biodiversity conservation.

* links go to external webpage only in Japanese.

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