ニュースレター No.177 2014年5月31日発行 (発行部数:1170部)


情報提供して いただいた方、配信の希望を寄せられた方、読んでいただきたいとこちら考えて いる方に配信しています。御意見をいただければ幸いです。 

1 フロントページ:ご挨拶、持続可能な森林経営のための勉強部屋の次のステップ(2014/5/31)
2.  持続可能な開発に関する公開作業グループ会合ー森林の行方(2014/5/31)
3. 日本森林学会2014年大会報告から(2014/5/31)



このサイトを作成している藤原は、このたび勤務している一般社団法人全国木材組合連合会の運営管理の立場をはなれて、少し自由に、「持続可能な森林のための勉強部屋」や、木材の環境貢献の情報発信(ウッドマイルズフォーラム)のような仕事に力をいれていくことになりました(About me)。

この勉強部屋のサイトも、海外向けの情報発信力"Japan Forest Information Review"の強化、それを支える体制をつくるための、作成組織の法人化といった課題に取り組んでいく考えです。









John Hontelez, for FSC, presentation at OWG 8, Tuesday 4 February, meeting with Major Groups.

 FSC proposes to build these on the Aichi Targets, adopted by almost all countries in the world in 2010. Our three proposals:
1. Goal or target on halting deforestation by 2020. Not literally Aichi Target 5, which aims halting “where possible”. We think it should be made possible with intensifying political will and international cooperation, recognising that this is of global interest.
2. Also a goal or target of 15% restoration of degraded forest lands, in line with Aichi Target 15. I refer to the Bonn Challenge, where governments and stakeholders have already committed to work to the restoration of 150 million ha in forests in 2020, which is about the 15% restoration. This objective would compensate for the forest loss of the last 20 years.
3. But we should not only focus on quantity, quality is as important. Therefore we also propose as one of the goals of targets to ensure sustainable forest management by 2020, in line with Aichi Target 7..
Whereby we propose a specific indicator in terms of the “increased use of transparent, effective, balanced multi stakeholder governed forest and chain-of custody systems, particularly in regions where forests are under most pressure”. We are convinced that such systems, such as FSC has developed, can be a reliable tool to promote sustainable forest managements, and governments have several tools to promote its success. The Biodiversity Indicators Partnership of the CBD and UNEP has already accepted FSC certification as an indicator for Aichi Target 7, on sustainable management.
Forests in a sustainable world

Daju Pradnja Resosudarmo

 CIFOR sees two complementary ways forward
§ Recognize forests as essential element in multiple SDGs
§ Explore Sustainable Landscapes as a crosscutting SDG, in
which forests are a major component
Women’s Major Group contribution for the Eighth Session of the Open Working

Group on the Sustainable Development Goals (OWG8)

Forests and Biodiversity

Targets include:
· Zero loss of forest cover by 2030 (based on a definition of forests that excludes industrial tree and shrub plantations);7
· Zero depletion of clean freshwater resources, full protection and ambitious restoration of healthy freshwater ecosystems by 2030. This requires both the protection and restoration of healthy ecosystems and ending over-extraction of water, especially for irrigation and water-intensive industries;
· Zero loss of other ecosystems, including grasslands, peatlands, savannah, tundra and alpine ecosystems by 2030;
· 50 million hectares of degraded or destroyed ecosystems restored or allowed to naturally regenerate by 2030;
· Phasing out all agricultural practices that cause soil erosion, depletion and compaction by 2030;
· All potentially perverse incentives promoting unsustainable consumption and production patterns that might trigger biodiversity loss have been redirected or eliminated by 2030;
· The territorial rights and customary conservation practices of Indigenous Peoples, women and local communities have been fully documented and recognized by 2030;
· Women and men participating equally in forests and other natural resource governance;
· Free, Prior and Informed Consent of all communities, including Indigenous Peoples,
required for any projects and developments that may affect lands which they own, occupy or otherwise use.

Forests and Biodiversity

Joint position paper by members of the CBD Alliance1

and the Global Forest Coalition2

6. We strongly oppose a separate Sustainable Development Goal on Forests. Forests are an ecosystem, and should be recognized as such.
7. We also oppose any “net” goals or targets for forests, land degradation or other ecosystems. The assumption that you would be able to compensate ecosystem or soil loss at one location with ecosystem or soil restoration in another location is deeply flawed from a moral, scientific, and social justice perspective.
8. We strongly oppose the economic valorization of Nature in any given way, as pricing something –rather then protecting it- gives it a mercantile value, and opens the door to commercializing
9. We demand that monoculture plantations, or plantations with non-native species, can in no case account as biodiversity rich areas.
10. We demand that the use of genetically modified trees is banned.
11. We demand that by 2030, all products produced on industrial scale must contain labelling information regarding:
· Their origin and impact on Biodiversity
· For food and other products of organic origin: the kind of soils where they were produced, production processes, etc
· For industrthe local and globial products: impact of the industry on al environment
· For products containing minerals: information on mining processes
·Ecological footprint of the product

 European Union and its Member States
“Oceans and seas, forests and biodiversity"
 We need to reverse the loss of forest cover worldwide and increase efforts to prevent forest degradation, halt the rate of loss of primary forests and increase significantly the areas of protected forests.
It is important to eliminate illegal logging, and associated trade, by strengthening forest governance frameworks, tenure rights and law enforcement, and increase the resource-wise use and the proportion of forest products from sustainably managed forests.
It is necessary to address the direct and indirect drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, including through the adoption of integrated land-use management and land planning.
 Foreign Ministry of Japan,  On forests, 80 percent of the species on the land are living in forests, and forests are directly linked with biodiversity. In addition, obviously forests are related to poverty eradication, water management, climate change, disaster risk reduction, and others issues. Forests are also an important element of sustainable development. Sustainable forest management is the central part of this issue, and we think that the criteria and indicators established by many fora for SFM and Global Forest Resources Management by FAO will contribute to the effective monitoring and implementation of targets for forests.
 Statement of
Eduardo Rojas-Briales
Assistant Director-General, FAO Forestry
Chair, Collaborative Partnership on Forests
 To assist you in your near-term deliberations CPF members have worked together to provide a global analysis of international instruments related to forests. Based on this analysis, we have prepared an analytical document and summary for negotiators that outline possible targets and indicators on forests in the SDGs that will be shared with you in the coming days. We hope this will help you in your deliberations.

CBD Alliance and the Global Forest Coalitionによる文書が示すように、環境NGO側から、「森林問題を生物多様性と切り離して議論しないこと」という主張がなされています。SDGsの議論で単独の森林に関する討議の場がないのは、全体として森林に関する関心が低下していることの現れを思っていましたが、そのような議論への配慮か思われます。












アメリカにおける森林関連PESの取組み 柴田慎吾(上智大学地球環境学研究科) A01 生物多様性サービスへの支払(PES)米国の森林分野の取組み19億ドルの実態
アメリカ合衆国における森林投資と林業経営に関する研究 大塚生実(林業経済研究所) A02 、投資ファンドによる林地取得が持続可能な林業経営となり得るのか
ドイツにおける木材共同販売組織の諸形態 堀靖人・石崎涼子(森林総研) A03
バイエルン州における木材共同販売 石崎涼子・堀靖人(森林総研) A04
近年、年間木材消費量が50 万m3を超える巨大な製材工場が次々とできているバイエルン州での原料調達問題
フィンランド森林法・森林管理組合法改正の動向 山本伸幸(森林総研) A05
タンザニアの参加型森林管理(PFM)制度の現状と課題 福嶋崇(亜細亜大学国際関係学部 A08
、90 年代始めよりアフリカでは先駆的に取り組まれてきたタンザニアの参加型森林管理(PFM)REDDで次のステップへ
中部カンボジアREDD プラス事業計画地内最前線村の生業構造 倉島孝行(森林総研) A09 、森林開拓最前線地でのREDD+事業が相対せざる得ない利益配分に関する構造上の問題
樹林地利用による複合経営農家の実態─タイ東北部の事例─ 橋本沙優(島根大学) A10 New Theoryに沿って土壌保全等の働きを強める自給的な複合農業の動向と樹林地の関係
市民の森林管理意識と想定する森林形態 伊藤勝久(鳥取大学) A11 森林と税制度に対する県民意識を追跡調査。2013 年度は、期待される森林形態を問う
企業の森づくり活動に関する研究─栗東協働夢の森プロジェクトを対象として─ 梅原久奈(滋賀県立大) A12 中小も含む地元企業から小口協賛を募り、森づくり活動を進めていくという、全国的にも特徴的な取り組み
これまでの森林・林業政策と森林の機能に対する評価の関係 津脇晋嗣(東京大学)
我が国の森林・林業政策は1992 年の地球サミットをきっかけとして方向性に変化
国内木材工業における外材から国産材への転換可能性:外材工場への聞き取り調査から 嶋瀬拓也(森林総研) P1-013 材質は国産材利用上の決定的な制約ではなく、安定供給の見通しや代替原料との価格比較の中で国産材への転換が進んでいる
森林をめぐる臨床環境学とは 竹中千里(名古屋大学) T10-1
 臨床環境学的視点からみた日本のシカ問題  平野恭弘(名古屋大学)  T10-2  農林業被害を引き起こすシカによる森林環境の変化に焦点をあて、臨床環境学的診断と処方提示
臨床環境学的視点から見た東海地方の湧水湿地の保全 富田啓介(名古屋大学) T10-3
臨床環境学的視点からみたラオス北部山地部の生業と近年の変化 広田勲(名古屋大学 T10-4
 熱帯諸国におけるREDD プラスの実施と地域住民の権利  百村帝彦(九州大学)  T10-8
 臨床環境学の「協治」論的展開:自然資源管理のあり方  井上真(東京大学)  T10-8
 臨床環境学からFuture Earthへ  安成哲三(総合地球環境学研究所)  T10-9  Future Earthは、地球の限界を意識し、臨床環境学的視点を含めて、学際、超学際的な連携・協働の枠組みも含んで設計されたもの。アジアが大切
木質バイオマス発電事業の動向と燃料集荷の課題  久保山裕史(森林総研) T12-01   計画中のバイオマス発電施設がフル稼働する潜在的な原料需要量は現行用材生産量の4割
 島根県におけるエネルギー需要と森林資源量  大津裕貴(鳥取大学)  T12-03  島根県で認定されたFIT木質バイオマス発電施設が生み出す製材原料市場などへの影響
  トーセン那珂川工場への燃料供給の現状と課題  赤池成実(宇都宮大学)  T12-04  製材、ボイラー、乾燥機、発電施設を合わせたトータルな森林資源フル活用施設の展望
 チップ供給ポテンシャルと FIT 単価  小池浩一郎(島根大学)  T12-05  発電事業の経済性を決定するのは燃料の供給価格。国際的な先行事例を基にしたFITの問題点





藤原敬 fujiwara@t.nifty.jp

