
UNFFのHPに、先の第五回会合の決定事項の実質的な内容に当たる文書が、未定稿の形で、"Decision of the Forum brought to the attention of and for the adoption by the Council"(経済社会理事会で留意され採択されるためのフォーラムの決議)として公開されました。(pdfファイル)l



Decision of the Forum brought to the attention of the Council

(Note: needs a title)
The United Nations Forum on Forests,
Recalling Economic and Social Council resolution 2000/35 and the United
Nations Forum on Forest's multi-year programme of work adopted in its resolution 1/1,
in particular Section A, paragraph 4. (d) (i), (ii) & (iii);
1. Decides to complete the consideration at its sixth session of the above items
outlined in its multi-year programme of work, based on the bracketed draft text
developed in informal consultations during its fifth session, Draft Chairman's Text
Thursday 26 May 2005 8:00 pm・ as contained in the annex to the present decision.

Draft Chairman's Text-Thursday 26 May 2005 8:00 pm

Goal 1:
Reverse the loss of forest cover worldwide through SFM, including protection, restoration, afforestation, and reforestation, and increase efforts to prevent forest degradation,

chikyu 1-10 <unff5-2>
