Thank you, moderator. Excellencies, distinguished delegates, and
colleagues. I’m Zentaro Kosaka, Deputy-Director General of the Forestry
Agency of Japan. It’s a great honor for me to be here today.
First, I’d like to share Japan’s experience. In the past, forests in Japan were devastated by excessive logging, resulting in frequent disasters.
Today, however, Japan is one of the most forested countries in the world, with two-thirds of its land covered by forests. This is the result of our county-wide effort to promote tree planting activities, as well as our efforts to mitigate climate change, conserve biodiversity, and reduce pollution through enhancing the multiple functions of forests by setting conservation forests and the promotion of sustainable forest management.
In recent years, we have also introduced the “Forest Environment Tax” and established a system in which all citizens could support forests.
In addition, laws have been developed to promote the use of wood for building constructions. We believe that these experiences can be shared with other countries who are also facing the challenges of deforestation and forest degradation.
To realize a carbon-neutral and sustainable society, we believe it’s of utmost importance to circulate bio-based renewable materials such as forests through sustainable forest management and wood use.
Regarding biodiversity conservation, we formulated the “National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan” based on the
Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
Japan attaches a high importance on international cooperation and contribution through technical and financial support to International Organizations such as FAO, ITTO, as well as Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
As a part of such efforts, I’m pleased to announce the submission of Japan's contribution towards achieving the global forest
goals and targets.
Finally, on behalf of the Forestry Agency of Japan, I’d like to express our commitment to take responsibility for sustainable forest management of our forests to pass on to future generations.
We will continue to work with all of you, for further cooperation in scaling up forest-based solutions.
Thank you very much for your attention. |
しかし現在、日本は世界でも最も森林の多い国の一つであり、国土の 3 分の 2 が森林に覆われています。これは、国を挙げて植林活動を推進する取り組み、および保全林の設定による森林の多面的機能の強化と持続可能な森林管理の推進を通じて気候変動を緩和し、生物多様性を保全し、汚染を減らす取り組みの結果です。
ご清聴ありがとうございました。 |