6月17日市民参加を具体的な目に見える形でおこなう試みとしてブラジル政府が鳴り物入りで準備してきたSustainable Diveropment Dilalogue(持続可能な開発の対話)の森林分野の総括会合がおこなわれました。
· Restore 150 million hectares of deforested and degraded lands by 2020.
· Promote science, technology, innovation and traditional knowledge in
order to face forests main challenge: how to turn them productive without
destroying them.
・Invest in locally controlled forestry; promoting resource rights, organization,
business capacity and fair deals for local people
· Support common framework conditions for forest certification and include
it in the Rio+20 framework of action
· Protect language diversity to preserve traditional knowledge and support
biodiversity conservation.
· Organize a UN Commission to mobilize the necessary public and private
finance to implement REDD+ actions globally
· Entrench the principles, inclusion, transparency and accountability of
local peoples in forest governance
· Invest in locally controlled forestry; promoting resource rights, organization,
business capacity and fair deals for local people
· Value forest carbon from forest plantations in the context of the green
· Governments should support agroforestry as a promising alternative to
balance the need for food and fuelwood whilst reducing pressure on natural
· Restore Forestland and Mangrove Zones
· Promote science, technology, innovation and traditional knowledge in
order to face forests main challenge: how to turn them productive without
destroying them.
· Restore 150 million hectares of deforested and degraded lands by 2020.
. James Chao (China) - CCTV(司会者)
. Mr. Anders Hildeman (Sweden) - Global Forestry Manager, IKEA of Sweden AB
. Mr. André Giacini de Freitas (Brazil) - Executive-Director, Forest Stewardship Council
. Dr. Bertha Becker (Brazil) - Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ
. Mr. Christian Del Valle (United Kingdom) - Founder, Manager, Althelia Climate Fund
. Mr. Estebancio Castro Diaz (Panama) - Executive-Secretary, Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal
Peoples of Tropical Forests
. Mr. Guilherme Leal (Brazil) – Founder, CEO, Natura Cosmeticos
. Dr. Julia Marton-Lefevre (France) - Director-General, International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN)
. Dr. Klaus Töpfer (Germany) - Founder, Executive Director, Institute for Advanced Sustainability
Studies (IASS), former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment (1998-2006)
. Dr. Lu Zhi (China) - Director, Center for Nature and Society, Beijing