気候変動枠組み条約COP27と森林(1)ー森林と気候リーダーズ・パートナーシップ(Forests and Climate Leaders’ Partnership: FCLP)(2022/12/15)


その冒頭11月7日に昨年のCOP26に引き続き首脳級の世界リーダーズ・サミットが開催され、この機会に新たに立ち上げられた「森林・気候のリーダーズ・パートナーシップ」 Forests and Climate Leaders' Partnership(FCLP)に我が国を含む27か国・地域が参加しましたと報告されているので、その内容を紹介します。




1. 森林やその他の陸上生態系を保全し、その回復を加速する。
2. 持続可能な開発と持続可能な商品生産と消費を促進する。
3. 関連する国内法国際約束に従い、森林の複数の価値の認識を含む、脆弱性を軽減し、レジリエンスを構築し、農村生活を強化する。
4. 環境に利益をもたらす農業政策とプログラムを実施し、必要に応じて再設計する。
5. 持続可能な農業、持続可能な森林管理、森林保全と回復、先住民や地域社会への支援を可能にするため幅広い公的および民間の情報源からの金融と投資を大幅に増やす
6. 森林の損失と劣化を逆転させる国際的な目標との金融フローの調整を促進させ、一方で、森林、持続可能な土地利用、生物多様性、気候目標を前進させる経済への移行を加速するための強固な政策とシステムを確保する。


World Leaders Launch Forests and Climate Leaders’ Partnership to accelerate momentum to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030


この高い野心的な国々のパートナーシップは、持続可能な開発を実現し、包括的な農村変革を促進しながら、140 +諸国によって行われた森林と土地利用に関するグラスゴーリーダー宣言に基づいて構築されます。






 26 countries and the European Union – which together account for over 33% of the world’s forests and nearly 60% of the world’s GDP – will launch the Forest and Climate Leaders’ Partnership (FCLP).

This high ambition partnership of countries will build on the Glasgow Leaders Declaration for Forests and Land Use made by 140+ countries to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030 while delivering sustainable development and promoting an inclusive rural transformation.

These 26 countries, including some of the most highly forested countries, have volunteered to lead high ambition efforts to drive delivery and accountability through annual high-level events; during the FCLP’s first public meeting at COP27, an alliance of government leaders, companies, financial actors and Indigenous peoples’ will report on progress.

It will be announced that public donors have already spent $2.67 billion of the $12 billion committed last year to protect and restore forests. At COP27 a further $4.5 billion from public and private donors will be committed.
The UK Prime Minister and leaders of Colombia, Congo, Ghana, France and Germany will address the Forest and Climate Leaders’ Summit.

Today at COP27 world leaders will launch the Forests and Climate Leaders’ Partnership (FCLP), committing to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030 in the fight against climate change and as promised in the Glasgow Climate Pact.

The FCLP, launched at the inaugural Forest and Climate Leaders’ Summit, is a voluntary partnership of 26 countries committed to delivery, accountability and innovation following the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use, which was endorsed by more than 140 world leaders at COP26 last year to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation this decade. If achieved, this would deliver 10% of the climate mitigation action needed by 2030 to deliver on the Paris Agreement.

Chaired by the United States and Ghana, FCLP members represent a range of regions, major forest areas, and centres of commerce and finance. 60% of global GDP and over 33% the world’s forests are covered in this partnership.

All members of the FCLP are united by a common goal; each member must be committed to leading on at least one of the FCLP’s action areas. Through the FCLP, countries will lead the initiatives which will scale and drive delivery. The goal is to identify strategic areas where the FCLP can help implement or scale up both new and existing solutions, working closely with the private sector, civil society and community leaders.

As part of this, the United Kingdom has committed £1.5 billion finance for forests, as part of a wider £3bn ring fence for nature. As part of this, the UK is announcing a further £65m for the nature pillar of the Climate Investment Fund, which will place Indigenous people and local communities, who shoulder the burden of climate change, at the heart of forest protection across rainforests, cloud forests and island forests. The UK is also today announcing that we are working on a new programme of £90 million towards the protection of the Congo Basin as part of our promise to support this region. The Congo Basin is the world’s most efficient carbon sink, supports the livelihoods of over 80 million people, and is home to 10,000 species of tropical plants – as well as endangered species like forest elephants, chimpanzees and mountain gorillas.



COP27開幕:新たに「森林と気候リーダーズ・パートナーシップ」立ち上げ!(IGES) グラスゴー・リーダーズ宣言には145ヵ国が参加しているのに、なぜFCLPには現時点で26ヵ国だけしか参加していないのかは非常に気になるところです
Reuters:COP27 各国が団結して森林に関する約束を守る(イギリスの通信社ロイターが詳しくフォロー)

