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1.森林資源及び水産資源のように、適切な管理が行われなけれ ば枯渇する再生可能な有限天然資源についての交渉の目的は、 その適切な資源保存管理の推進を通じた資源の持続的利用に貢 献し、しかも輸出国と輸入国のいずれにとっても公平でかつ真 に公正な貿易ルールを確立すること。

2.林産物や水産物のように適切な管理を行わなければ枯渇する 再生可能な有限天然資源を次期交渉の対象とする場合には、地 球的規模の環境問題や他の国際的枠組における検討・規律等も 十分考慮しつつ、総合的な見地からの検討が必要不可欠。

3.森林は、様々な公益的機能を有する天然資源であり、その機 能は林業生産活動を含む適切な管理を通じて維持・発揮される もの。

4.世界的な森林の減少が急速に進行する中、地球サミット以降、 地球規模での環境問題への関心が高まっており、持続可能な森 林経営の達成は世界的な重要課題。林産物貿易を巡る交渉では、 持続可能な森林経営の達成を阻害することのないよう、十分な 配慮が必要。

5.また、現状では、輸出国側の丸太輸出規制等の貿易歪曲的措 置に対する規律が不十分であり、真に公正な交渉とするために、 このような輸出国側の措置についての真剣な検討が不可欠。

6.こうした状況の中で、市場アクセス問題を検討する場合には、 輸出・輸入国双方の林業・木材産業の維持・発展を通じた公益 的機能の発揮を促進するような国境措置の規律とすべき。
7.市場アクセス問題を検討する場合には、各国の水産資源の保 存管理義務の実施状況、水産物の安定供給の観点、各国におい て漁業・漁村が果たしている役割・機能等に配慮し、便宜置籍船 等の助長や資源管理を無視した乱獲につながらないような国境 措置の規律とすべき。

8.漁業補助金問題については、資源の持続的利用をいかに確保 していくかの観点から、全阻害要因を抽出し、対策を検討する 一環として取り組むべき。また、資源の持続的利用に貢献する 漁業補助金についてはその意義を積極的に評価すべき。この作 業は、漁業管理に深い知見を有するFAOで行うべきであり、 WTOにおいてはかかる専門的作業を踏まえて、漁業補助金の 取り扱いを検討していくべき。いずれにしても、資源管理制度 の不備、便宜置籍船による操業等が資源の持続的利用を阻害す る大きな要因であり、これらの解決に向けて関係国が努力する 必要。

9.林産物・水産物のような有限天然資源については、地球的規 模の環境問題及び資源の保存管理等の側面も踏まえ、資源の持 続的利用の確保の見地から、関連する事項を総合的に検討する ことが必要不可欠であり、そのような議論が可能となるような 交渉の枠組とするため、その他の非農産物とは区別した検討グ ループを設立し、議論すべき。
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2 地球規模での環境問題・持続可能な森林経営
3 木材輸出国に対する規制
4 市場アクセスのあり方
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Preparations for the 1999 Ministerial Conference

Negotiations on Forestry and Fishery products

Communication from Japan


T Proposal


  1. The objective of the forthcoming negotiations on exhaustible natural resources such as forestry and fishery resources, which are renewable but can be depleted without proper management, should be to establish trade rules that are fair and impartial for exporting and importing countries, and that contribute to the sustainable utilization of resources through the promotion of adequate resource conservation and management.


<Main point to be taken into account>

(Forestry products)


(Fishery products)

<Forum of negotiations>

9. With respect to forestry and fishery products that depend on exhaustible natural resources, comprehensive examination of relevant factors is indispensable, giving due consideration to the global environmental issues and resource conservation and management issues from a viewpoint of assuring sustainable utilization. To enable such comprehensive examinations, a group for forestry and fishery products separate from other non-agricultural products should be established.


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U Background

As for renewable and exhaustible natural resources, such as forestry and fishery resources, that can be depleted without proper management, an improvement of market access based merely on short-term economic interest could adversely affect sustainable utilization of resources. We, therefore, propose that a group for forestry and fishery products should be established separately from that for other non-agricultural products, so as to enable examinations that will fully consider such aspects as the global environment issues and resource conservation and management.


<Forestry products>


  1. Forestry resources provide various public benefits, including land conservation, water reservoir, recreational use and mitigation of global warming, all of which are essential to human life. This has already been acknowledged in a series of international conferences namely the UNCED, the FAO Rome Declaration on forestry, etc. It has been urged, therefore, to take actions to deal with those issues.
  2. It is important for Japan, where land disasters occur frequently due to its steep topographical and fragile geological features, to improve its land safety through the preservation and improvement of forests. Furthermore, forests can provide fully their public benefits only when they are utilized in a sustainable manner with proper operations including thinning. It is necessary for appropriate measures to be taken so as not to hinder efforts aimed at sustainable forestry management, including those to secure public benefits through forestry operations.


  1. Since the 'Earth Summit' in 1992, there has been a growing concern on the global environmental issues. Sustainable forest management is one of the most important challenges.
  2. Forests, especially tropical forests, are rapidly decreasing and degrading partly due to inappropriate commercial cutting. In order to prevent deforestation and pursue compatibility of the preservation and utilization of forests, exporting countries should make efforts to minimize negative effects of wood products trade on environment through the promotion of proper forest management aimed at sustainable forest management and the implementation of appropriate environmental policies. On the other hand, in wood-importing countries, it is necessary for forest industries to thrive to achieve sustainable forest management while wood products are imported.
  3. Considering these aspects of forestry resources, environmental issues, sustainable forest management and market access should be discussed together in the forthcoming negotiations based on the differences in natural and social conditions between countries.


  1. Most major wood exporting countries implement log export restrictions which most probably violate Article 11 of GATT stating that no quantitative restrictions should be instituted or maintained in general. Current trade rules provide merely insufficient discipline against those measures. Furthermore, some wood exporting countries impose discriminatory levies of export tax between logs and finished products to protect the domestic industry.
  2. In order to hold fair negotiations, we should, considering these aspects of wood products trade, ensure balanced rights and obligations between exporting and importing countries by examining not only import tariffs but also export restrictions and export tax. We should also establish global disciplines for enhancing public benefits of forests through sound development of forestry and wood industry in both of the exporting and importing country.


  1. Forest resources provide public benefits through an appropriate forest management. At the same time, unless proper management, including forestry production, is implemented forest resources and their role of providing public benefits might be lost, thereby having great impact on people's lives.
  2. Therefore, discussing discipline over border measures on forest products should promote enhancement of the public benefits of forests through a sound maintenance and development of forestry and wood industry in respective country.


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<Fishery products>


  1. Trade rules contributing to the conservation and management of fishery resources
  1. Fishery resources are renewable and exhaustible natural resources, which can be depleted without proper management. At present, many fishery stocks are over-exploited, and approximately 40% of the world fishery products are subject to international trade. Therefore, with respect to the trade of fishery products, a certain framework is necessary so as to adequately reflect the viewpoints to supplement and reinforce measures for conservation and management for sustainable utilization. In this regard, it is appropriate to establish a separate group from that for industrial products.
  2. If trade liberalization is promoted without taking proper measures for resource management, a serious concern is that international trade of such fishery products as obtained through fishing conducted in a manner causing over-exploitation neglecting the conditions of the resources concerned and from fishing practice not abiding by the rules for resource conservation and management is likely to increase. Currently, trade restriction measures are taken to ensure the effectiveness of resource conservation and management measures under the frameworks of international resource management organization, including ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas). Moreover, some countries take unilateral trade measures for similar reasons.
  3. Fishery products provide valuable animal protein and thus contribute to food security. The depletion of fish stocks due to over-exploitation throughout the world is a threat to the sustainable supply. For a stable supply of fishery products, while ensuring balanced utilization of all trophic levels of the ecosystem without protecting specific species in an excessive manner, every nation should fulfill its obligation of controlling its waters and its fisheries and should ensure a stable supply of fish and fishery products to its nationals based on its domestic supply. When establishing international trade rules, the viewpoints above should be considered. In addition, the roles and functions of fisheries and fishing communities, including the maintenance of rural coastal communities, management of coastal areas, the contribution to environmental preservation and the provision of recreation opportunities to nationals, should also be considered..


  1. As for tariff and non-tariff measures on fishery products, full consideration should be made as to various factors including the relationship with conservation measures, the implementation status of the conservation and management obligation in each nation, the aspect of a stable supply of fishery products, and the social, economic and cultural roles played by the fisheries and fishing communities in each country.
  2. International trade rules should be disciplined so as not to promote the fishing operations of flag-of-convenience fleets, which do not bear the resource conservation costs and not to lead to over-exploitation which neglects resource management.


  1. The fundamental issue to be focused on is how to ensure a sustainable utilization of fishery resources. At first, it is necessary to identify all factors which hinder the sustainable resource utilization, rather than to single out the fishery subsidies. It is further necessary to develop measures to deal with these negative factors. It should also be noted that there are positive fishery subsidies that contribute to the sustainability of fishery resources such as those for fishing capacity reduction, for improvement of fishery management, and the stock rehabilitation and enhancement. These positive aspects of fishery subsidies should be duly appreciated.
  2. This type of technical work should be conducted by the FAO, which has an in-depth expertise on fishery management.
  3. In the course of identifying all the negative factors and finding solutions thereto, how to deal with the fishery subsidy issue at the WTO should be considered.
  4. It should be noted that there are several negative factors adversely affecting sustainable utilization of fishery resources such as ineffective fishery management, the lack of fishing capacity control, insufficient enforcement and operation by flag-of-convenience fleets which does not abide by international conservation rules. Needless to say, all countries should make strenuous efforts to solve these problems.

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