The Fifth Meeting of JFPF, Mar. 8, 2008
The fifth meeting of "Japan's Forest Policy Forum" was held on Mar. 8th at "Shinrin Juku (Forest Study Room)" in Yoyogi, Tokyo with participants of 7 people.

11:00 Opening Remarks (Dr. F. Ozawa)
Progress from the fourth meeting and outline of the Forum (Mr. T. Tanaka) text
11:30 Introduction to the Japanfs Forest Today IV by Dr. F. Ozawa
part4:International Cooperation
Japan-China forestry project
Map of the Project
12:30 Lunch Brake
13:00 Todayfs Topics
Forest-related discussions at COP13, COP/MOP3
(Mr. Satoshi Akahori, Planning Division, Forestry Agency)

Report by Mr. M. Segawa

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