




Full text of the report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

中国の特色ある社会主義の偉大な旗印を高く掲げ 社会主義現代化国家を全面的に建設するために団結奮闘しよう ︱︱中国共産党第二十回全国代表大会における報告 (二〇二二年十月十六日) 習近平

タイトルは:中国の特色ある社会主義の偉大な旗印を高く掲げ 社会主義現代化国家を全面的に建設するために団結奮闘しよう

1 過去五年の活動と 新時代の一〇年の偉大な変革
2 マルクス主義の中国化・時代化の新境地を切り開
3 新時代の新征途における中国共産党の使命・任務
4 新たな発展の形の構築を加速し、質の高い発展の推進に力を入れる
5 科学教育興国戦略を実施し、人材による現代化建設へのサポートを強化する
6 全過程の人民民主を発展し、人民主体を保障する
7 全面的な法に基づく国家統治を堅持し、「法治中国」の建設を推進する
8 文化への自信・自強を推し進め、社会主義文化に新たな輝きを築く
9 民生福祉を増進し、人民生活の質的向上をはかる
10 グリーン発展を推し進め、人と自然の調和的共生を促す
11 国家安全保障体系・能力の現代化を推し進め、断固として国家安全保障と社会の安定を確保す
12 中国人民解放軍創立百周年の奮闘目標を達成し、国防・軍隊現代化の新局面を切り開く
13 「一国二制度」を堅持・整備し、祖国の統一を推進する
14 世界の平和と発展を促進し、人類運命共同体の構築を推進する
15 揺るぐことなく全面的な厳しい党内統治を実行し、新時代の党建設の新たな偉大なプロジェクトをいっそう推し進める



 1 過去五年の活動と 新時代の一〇年の偉大な変革  I. The Work of the Past Five Years and the Great Changes in the First Decade of the New Era
――われわれは緑の山河は金山・銀山にほかならないという理念を堅持し、山・川・林・田・湖・原・砂の一体化した保護と系統的な対策を堅持し、全方位・全地域・全過程にわたる生態環境の保護を強化し、生態文明制度体系がより整備され、汚染対策堅塁攻略が踏み込んで推し進められ、グリーン発展、循環型発展、低炭素発展が堅実なスタートを切り、生態環境の保護に歴史的・転換的・全局的な変化が生じ、わが祖国はいっそう青空が広がり、山は緑豊かに、水はきれいになった。   —We have acted on the idea that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. We have persisted with a holistic and systematic approach to conserving and improving mountain, water, forest, farmland, grassland, and desert ecosystems, and we have ensured stronger ecological conservation and environmental protection across the board, in all regions, and at all times. China's ecological conservation systems have been improved, the critical battle against pollution has been advanced, and solid progress has been made in promoting green, circular, and low-carbon development. This has led to historic, transformative, and comprehensive changes in ecological and environmental protection and has brought us bluer skies, greener mountains, and cleaner waters.


10グリーン発展を推し進め、人と自然の調和的共生を促す  X. Pursuing Green Development and Promoting Harmony Between Humanity and Nature

We will advance the Beautiful China Initiative and take a holistic and systematic approach to the conservation and improvement of mountains, waters, forests, farmlands, grasslands, and deserts. We will carry out coordinated industrial restructuring, pollution control, ecological conservation, and climate response, and we will promote concerted efforts to cut carbon emissions, reduce pollution, expand green development, and pursue economic growth. We will prioritize ecological protection, conserve resources and use them efficiently, and pursue green and low-carbon development.

   (一)発展パターンのグリーン化を急ぐ    1. Accelerating the transition to a model of green development
   (二)環境汚染対策を踏み込んで推進する    2. Intensifying pollution prevention and control
   (三)生態系の多様性・安定性・持続性を高める。    3. Enhancing diversity, stability, and sustainability in our ecosystems
     国家重点生態機能区、生態保護レッドライン、自然保護地などを重点に、重要生態系の保護・復元に向けた重要プロジェクトの実施を急ぐ。国立公園を主体とする自然保護地体系の整備を推進する。生物多様性保護重要プロジェクトを実施する。大規模な国土緑化キャンペーンを科学的に実施する。集団所有林林権制度改革を深化させる。草原・森林・河川・湖沼・湿地の受動的再生を押し広め、長江での一〇年間の禁漁をしっかりと実施し、耕地休耕輪作制度を整備する。生態系産物・サービスの価値を高める仕組みを確立し、生態保護補償制度を整備する。バイオセーフティを強化し、外来種被害対策に取り組む     Major projects for preserving and restoring key ecosystems will be carried out at a faster pace in priority areas, including key national ecosystem service zones, ecological conservation redlines, and nature reserves. We will develop the national park-based nature reserve system and carry out major biodiversity protection projects. Large-scale greening programs will be rolled out in a well-planned way, and reform of collective forest tenure will be deepened. We will promote the natural regeneration of grasslands, forests, rivers, lakes, and wetlands, enforce the 10-year fishing ban on the Yangtze River, and improve the system of fallowing and crop rotation.
   (四)二酸化炭素排出量のピークアウトとカーボンニュートラルを積極的かつ穏当に推進する    4. Working actively and prudently toward the goals of reaching peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality
     Reaching peak carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality will mean a broad and profound systemic socio-economic transformation. Based on China's energy and resource endowment, we will advance initiatives to reach peak carbon emissions in a well-planned and phased way in line with the principle of building the new before discarding the old. We will exercise better control over the amount and intensity of energy consumption, particularly of fossil fuels, and transition gradually toward controlling both the amount and intensity of carbon emissions.

We will promote clean, low-carbon, and high-efficiency energy use and push forward the clean and low-carbon transition in industry, construction, transportation, and other sectors. We will thoroughly advance the energy revolution. Coal will be used in a cleaner and more efficient way, and greater efforts will be made to explore and develop petroleum and natural gas, discover more untapped reserves, and increase production. We will speed up the planning and development of a system for new energy sources, properly balance hydropower development and ecological conservation, and develop nuclear power in an active, safe, and orderly manner. We will strengthen our systems for energy production, supply, storage, and marketing to ensure energy security. We will improve the statistics and accounting system and the cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions. The carbon absorption capacity of ecosystems will be boosted. We will get actively involved in global governance in response to climate change.






世界の違法伐採、中国が加速 NGOが報告書(日経新聞)


