29 October – 3 November 2001

Yokohama, Japan









The International Tropical Timber Council,


Reaffirming the commitment of Members to achieve ITTO’s Objective 2000 through international collaboration and assistance and the references to lack of capacity related to auditing systems for sustainable forest management in the “Review of Progress Towards the Year 2000 Objective” by Prof. Duncan Poore and Mr. Thang Hooi Chiew [Document ITTC (XXVIII)/9];


Recognizing the Expert Panel Report on the Development of a Framework for an Auditing System for ITTO’s Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management [Decision 5(XXVIII)] and its recommendations for revisions to the draft working documents prepared by consultants pursuant to Decision 5(XXVIII);


Welcoming the final report prepared by consultants pursuant to Decision 5(XXVIII) [Document ITTC(XXIX)/16 Rev.1] that incorporates the recommendations for revision suggested by the Expert Panel and provides an excellent framework for auditing guidelines for ITTO’s Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management that will be of considerable use and interest to ITTO Member Countries;


Acknowledging the possible need for future revision of ITTO Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management to enhance their relevance and effectiveness [Decision 9(XXX)];


Noting the growing market for certified timber and the need to promote and assist initiatives by Members to implement ITTO’s Criteria and Indicators and build capacity to audit and assess sustainable forest management;


Underlining the importance of assisting countries to generate the capacity and resources to help implement national policies that promote sustainable forest management;


Aware of the need to provide guidance on various aspects of forest auditing as appropriate;


Decides to:


1.              Take note of the final report prepared by consultants pursuant to Decision 5(XXVIII) [Document ITTC(XXIX)/16 Rev.1], and commend it to ITTO Member Countries for their use as appropriate;


2.              Request the Executive Director to distribute the final consultants’ report to ITTO Member Countries and to other interested parties upon request;


3.              Request the Executive Director to provide assistance, upon request, to producer Member Countries that may wish to establish credible auditing systems for ITTO’s Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management; and


4.              Authorize the Executive Director to seek voluntary contributions from Member Countries, not exceeding US$280,000.00, to meet the funding required by this decision.





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